For the past several years, I’ve spent a lot of time writing books – like Grief Survivor~ 28 Steps Toward Hope and Healing; and speaking at events to help other people who have loved and lost. It’s a whole ‘nutha level of grief when it’s one of your own people! A couple years ago, my family lost one of our finest- my brother Mike’s hilariously fun and beautiful wife, Kay.
Here’s Kay with our fun and crazy cousin, Drew.
Since Kay’s graduation to heaven, I’ve tried to lean in to some of my own reminders from Grief Survivor. For anyone who is missing someone you love right now, I wanted to share a few of my favorites:
* surrounding yourself with people who make you smile is good medicine, (see photos)
* praying with thanksgiving, rather than worrying- can fill your heart with peace; and is better than Ambien on a sleepless night.
* saying the name of the person you’re missing and sharing stories about them is a wonderful way to honor their life and legacy.
* there’s no time frame for grief; and closure is for bank accounts. Not love accounts.
* it’s OK to cry; and it’s also OK to laugh.
* taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s actually brilliant.
the Lord what He has for you next. You might be surprised to find new passion and purpose.
Mike (in the cool fishing hat above) is one of the most optimistic and faith-filled people I’ve ever known. Even through the toughest valleys, Mike’s life reminds everyone around him to keep looking up… noticing God’s goodness all around. Some of Mike’s greatest blessings these days are his adorable grand kids. It’s hilarious to see him cuddled up with a couple toddlers at his their afternoon nap time.
Such a sweet reminder that God is still God; and God is still good.
Thanks, Mike- for reminding the rest of us to never stop looking up. I love you!!!