Has your heart ever been so crushed, that you weren’t sure when/ or if your old self would ever come back? For me, it was the deaths of a couple of my favorite family members~ when I wondered if our kids’ fun mom (who 100% condoned finger painting the kitchen counters with chocolate pudding)- that mom- would ever be coming back.
For you, maybe the crushing came from the loss of a dear person. Or maybe the death of a dream, or sometimes your life just isn’t where you thought it would be by now.
When life has thrown you a colossal curveball, the journey back to what feels like normal for you can take time. And energy. And more time.
Then, how do you know if you’re making any progress?
There were a few things I noticed along my journey through grief and loss that helped me know the pain wouldn’t always be so bad. The sun actually did start to crack through the darkness; and one day I was able to go to the grocery store without a fear of freaking out in the spaghetti squash aisle. There was even a day when I let the kids finger paint again with chocolate pudding. Not kidding.
All that to say- hang in there. It won’t always be this hard. I encourage you, if you’re feeling crushed right now- to let somebody in. Get coffee with a friend. Tell the truth. If you’re not “fine,” don’t pretend that you are. You are stronger than you think you are.
I am so happy to announce that my newest book, Uncrushed is coming soon- September 26th to be exact!!!
Would you consider doing the coolest thing ever for an author… and pre-ordering Uncrushed? I’ll be your best friend forever. 🙂 Here’s the link. Thank you. Thank you. You are the best.