Taco Soup and Quilts
There are a few people on the planet who know exactly what to do in a time of heart breaking loss, or in a moment of pure joy and celebration. The person I’m talking about will never drop the “call if you need anything,” bomb on you.
Instead she’ll call to let you know the taco soup is on the stove, and will be delivered to your back door in twenty minutes.
I’m about to figure that it’s not really just about the taco soup.
It’s about acknowledging not only your crushing losses; but also showing up to celebrate all the goodness… like the birth of a precious grand baby.
Leslie White is one of those rare people in my life.
Yesterday, Leslie appeared at the back door with two of the most breathtakingly beautiful hand made quilts you can imagine- for our tiniest two grand babies.
Words can’t adequately express my gratitude for her generous heart & you-can’t-possibly-outgive-me spirit.
Leslie- we love you! Thanks for showing the rest of us how it’s done.