Maybe you’re one of the rare individuals who knows exactly what to say in a difficult time of loss. Unfortunately, for the other 99 % of the world, grief makes us uncomfortable. And in an attempt to fill the awkward silence we sometimes say crazy things.
Maybe you’ve heard some of these words that don’t help: *God must have needed another angel in heaven. *You’re young. You can marry again. *You can always have more children. *They’re in a better place. *You’re better now, right?
Insensitive remarks often come from people who have no idea what you’re feeling right now. If you’re tempted to strike back and set the record straight, it might be wise to take a deep breath and count to ten. Hopefully the well-meaning person will learn from your silence!
Some words that help: * I’m so sorry. * I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. * I’d love to bring you a meal in a couple weeks. * Please use my beach house if you need it.
I have to remind myself…when in doubt, listen more; talk less!