A little back story At the Unleash Church Conference in 2010, Pastor Steven Furtick shared a question from his book, Sun Stand Still. He asked, “what’s the one thing the Lord has told you to do that you haven’t done yet?” Wow. great question.
I knew immediately the answer was to find a publisher for the message I had written (almost 10 years prior!) in the wake of 9/11. At the time, the “book” was a spiral bound masterpiece, printed at the local print shop, called A Time to Heal. My goal was encouraging people who had lost a beloved person in the disasters, to do what I had done after my mom’s crushing death- start telling their person’s story and preserve their legacy. I wanted broken hearted people to know there really can be purposeful life again, even after extreme loss.
The Lord was gracious to lead me to an Independent publisher where A Time to Heal, a grief journal designed and born. My dream was/ and still is to “reach the nations” with this message of hope and healing through grief.

Then, a few years later I started a new work, filled with practical ways for traveling through a tough season after loss. Grief Survivor~28 steps toward hope and healing was self-published, and has, thankfully, reached more people…but the prayer to “reach the nations” still remains!

The Current Situation Does anybody remember 2020? The year when “social distancing” became a thing, and involuntary homeschooling was born? That year. Well, in the Fall of 2020, I was selected to be part of #BookProposalBootcamp with one of my favorite writers on earth, New York Times Best Selling Author Lysa TerKeurst, literary agent, Meredith Brock, and Coach Nicki Koziarz! In the 12 intense and wonderful weeks of Boot Camp, 100 proposals were created by writers from around the country. Within the next couple months, a handful of authors will be selected to sign a contract with Thomas Nelson Publishing/ co-branded with COMPEL books!
The working title for my newest creation is, Uncrushed: real steps toward healing your grief and restoring your joy. It will be filled with lots of real life stories, encouraging biblical promises and healthy tips for grieving without getting hooked on, “Rx meds, mac and cheese and margaritas,” (chapter title).
Please pray with me for the Lord to open the exact doors He has for this message (20 years later!) and that it will reach the nations!!! Thanks for the inspiration, Pastor Steven!
Sun Stand Still was pivotal for me, as well and led me to Elevation Church. It became one of the most difficult times of growth for me so I can relate somewhat to where you are. I will be praying for you. This is very exciting!! God’s fingerprints are all over you. ?
Hi Edith-
So sorry I’m just seeing your comments.
Thank you for your kind words and your prayers!
God’s peace,
Beth Marshall