A sneak peak of what’s to come in the new book!

Is God really able to heal my shattered heart?
If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re missing an important part of your life puzzle. Whether you had time to say goodbye or death came suddenly, life without someone you love can feel chaotic, confusing, and downright crushing. While every person’s experience after loss is unique, you, too, may have more questions than answers. When you care deeply about someone, the sorrow when they’re gone can feel overwhelming.
Through losing my mom, my dad, and later, my “yes-you-may-drive-my-purple-dune-buggy-to-high school” sister-in-law, Kay, the Lord has reminded me that their life stories are absolutely too important and too rich to be forgotten.
One memorable story that comes to mind right now was the day my 5-year-old brother, John carved, with his kindergarten scissors on Mom’s mahogany dining room table, “I LOVE MOMY.” He didn’t even spell her name right! While the tiny criminal got in a little trouble, everyone knew she thought his permanent love note was pretty awesome. Deep down we always understood that to Beazy, people were more important than things. Always. My brother, John actually has the permanent mahogany love note in his dining room today. Little criminal.
I’m sharing this family moment, and will be sharing lots more hope-filled stories from friends, because I believe you, too, probably have memories that are too important to be forgotten! And preserving priceless stories can be a significant step toward healing your grief and restoring your joy.
Wherever you are on your journey, will you imagine a few possible scenarios with me?
- What if the pain won’t always be this intense?
- What if you could be confident your loved one won’t be forgotten?
- What if you’re stronger than you think you are?
- What if the person who used to finger paint with chocolate pudding (or whatever your life used to look like) is still inside, anxious to return?
- What if God really can turn your mourning into dancing?
Uncrushed: real steps toward healing your grief and restoring your joy is different from anything I’ve found on the market because You and Your loved one are part of the story. You won’t find any psychobabble or promises that grief is a linear or not-messy process. What you will find are real life steps to help you feel what you’re feeling, know it’s OK to cry, and it’s OK to laugh, say yes to people who love you, and believe there really can be joy-filled life even after deep loss.
My friend, God sees you and He loves you. He will be with you every step of the way. No pain is too deep for Him to touch.
We invite you to stop by the Grief Survivor Facebook Page. Your stories of love, loss, life and finding joy inspire the rest of us more than you know! We’re all in this together.
Below are a few comments from recent months on the Grief Survivor blog. I share them to let you are not alone. God’s peace, my friends.
I lost my husband to COVID-19 on March 29th and my son a week later, on April 5th. All three of us got sick with the virus on March 21st. I survived, they didn’t. Now I find myself alone and not knowing how to do life after being married for 45 years. I just started reading Grief Survivor and I hope it helps.
Diane- My heart breaks to hear about your deep losses. I’m praying right now for you- for the Lord to bring comfort and peace to your heart.
Also, that you will be able to talk with a pastor or counselor in the days ahead.
May He bring you comfort through the pages of A Time to Heal. His peace, Beth Marshall
I lost my fiancee of over 8 years to kidney failure on July 9th. It was so suddenly that no one saw it coming. I took her to the emergency room, but couldn’t go in with her because of the pandemic. I stayed outside in the emergency room parking lot for 6-7 hours, wondering how she was doing. When the doctor told me that one minute she was doing fine and the next, her heart just stopped, my life and my world as I knew them, were over. I lost her 2 weeks before my 29th birthday. Going through this at a young age with no love and support is unimaginable and unbearable. I feel weak, tried, restlessness, confused, depressed, angry, and defeated. I feel that there’s no life within me. That I’m just living. I hope these plans can help my broken heart.
Larterious- I am so very sorry to hear about your beloved fiancee. It’s impossible to imagine the heartache you’re experiencing- especially not being able to be by her side in the hospital.
My prayer is that that you will be able to connect with someone who can walk alongside you in this deep time of sorrow- hopefully a friend, counselor or pastor. A local hospice provider may be a good place to find a counselor.
Lord Jesus, please let Larterious know You haven’t forgotten him. Please hold him close today, and remind him that You are able to heal his broken heart, and ultimately restore his joy.
I am confident of that because of how He has healed my heart after devastating losses of several people I love.
God’s peace, Beth Marshall
My friend and co-workers’ Dad commited suicide this past week and I’m learning how to walk through this with him. Finding your Plans on YouVersion are helping me greatly. Thank you for writing them. Please pray for Andrew & Adam and Andrews wife Erica as we navigate this extremely difficult time.
Dear Leslie,
Losing someone as a result of suicide is one of the most painful losses imaginable. My prayers go out to Andrew, Adam, Erica and you as you all walk through this deep sorrow.
Come Lord Jesus, and bring comfort and peace as only You can.
I hope to post an article here in the next few days to help people who have lost a dear person through suicide.
It’s a personal story from my family’s experience. Please feel free to share it with your friends.
God’s peace,
Beth Marshall
Leslie- Here is the link to the article about suicide. I hope this is helpful. https://newspring.cc/articles/suicide-doesnt-just-affect-you
Grace and peace, Beth